APSE is the only national, non-profit membership organization dedicated to Employment First, a vision that all people with disabilities have a right to competitive employment in an inclusive workforce. People with disabilities should not work sequestered in sheltered workshops, earning only pennies an hour. We want people with disabilities to enjoy the company of a wide range of coworkers, an opportunity for greater financial independence, and the ability to contribute to the economy. We provide our members with the tools, opportunities, and timely information needed to take action and build better workplaces through work with policymakers and employers. APSE is the national voice on workplace inclusion.

Our Board
Jonathan Taylor
Interim President
Dale Turrentine
Judy Skerbitz
Board Member
Vice President
Angela Myers-Davis
Board Member
Shayla Alexander
Eric Treat
Member at Large
Pamela Cross
Employment First Chair
If you would like to join our board, please email interest to: arkansasapse@gmail.com
Our Vision
We believe that everyone can and should work, and have the dignity of determining their career path.
Our Mission
To advance employment equity for people with disabilities.